Saturday, March 19, 2011

Linky Party

Hi everyone. Hope your weekend is going well. It's been stormy all day. I know we need the rain, but sheesh! Pretty soon we may need to build an ark!! LOL Anyway,  I have been invited to join a Linky Party at the Crafting Misfit. Here are the rules:

Here are the rules:
1. You must have less than 75 followers.
2. You must become a follower of this blog.
3. You can post your favorite project on your blog- it does NOT have to be a new project. Remember post directly to that blog post and not your blog in general.
4. Please leave a comment after you link up!

I linked up my Fishing you a Happy Birthday card. I had fun making it and a lot of people liked it. So if you have a chance, head over and take a look, there's some really cute projects posted.

Thanks for stopping by and hopefully I'll be able to post some pics of projects I've been working on this weekend. Take care!

1 comment:

Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment! Be sure to leave your address so that I can visit you too!