Thursday, September 30, 2010

I'm Baaaacccckkkkk!!!!

Well it's been a while since I posted and I'm sure everyone thought Iwas giving up on this....well, not! It's been a busy few weeks around here with the end of summer and the beginning of my favorite time of year, FALL!! Yippee!! But you'd never know that tomorrow is October 1st since it's been in the 100's here! I know it will turn around soon, and I really can't wait for it to cool off. of the best parts of the last few weeks is Larry and I celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary! And they said it wouldn't last, ha! So to keep up with the celebration, here's the card I made him. Hope you like it!

1 comment:

  1. Woah!!!! 25 years? Congrats!!!!! That is awesome :-) We still need to get together ! Soon?


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